“流行也经典”合唱音乐会 中国交响乐团2020-2021音乐季 时间:2020.11.06 19:30 场馆:北京音乐厅 票价:80/100/120/150/180 微信订票18515362586 电话订票13651254955
2020年11月6日 星期五 19:30 “流行也经典”合唱音乐会 指挥:徐东晓 钢琴:程艳 李舒曼
曲目 混声合唱 1.茉莉花(序曲) 中国民歌 金巍改编 2燕子 新疆哈萨克民歌 阿镗编合唱
女声三重唱 1.莫尼山 吕燕卫词、玛西巴图曲 金魏编配 2、回娘家 孙仪词 翁清溪词 高伟春编配 演唱:孙笑盈 王婷 刘旸
男声组合 拯救 梁芝词周迪曲乌达木配器 小提琴: 张晨笛 刘镇源 小号:尹晓晖 党然 中提琴:宋芮 架子鼓:浦嘉 大提琴: 狄博 低音提琴: 王德亮
2.鹿( be free) 尚雯婕词曲 乌达木配器 演唱:陈阳 祁鹏 吕航 千圣主 李长城 小提琴: 张晨笛 刘镇源 中提琴:宋芮 大提琴: 狄博 低音提琴: 王德亮 架子鼓:浦嘉
女高音独唱 玛依拉变奏曲 哈萨克民歌 胡廷江曲 独唱:梁妍 混声合唱 1.“大鱼"选自电影《大鱼海棠》 尹约词 钱雷曲 2.时间都去哪了 陈曦词 董冬冬曲 刘思远编配 3.半个月亮爬上来 新疆民歌 阿镗编合唱
混声合唱 1.茉莉花(尾声) 中国民歌 金魏编配 领唱:梁妍 2.我的祖国 乔羽词 刘炽曲 金魏编配
女声六重唱 1.如果有来生 高晓松词 格非曲 朱墨丹青编合唱 2.我愿跟随他 诺曼·吉贝尔词,弗兰克·珀塞尔曲 演唱:霍元圆、王煦然、奧登格日乐、刑舒涵、范欣、马若然
男声合唱 1.乡间的小路上 叶佳修词曲 金巍编配 领唱:赵玉龙 2.我是一个兵 陆原、岳仑词 岳仑曲 温展力改编 *最终演出曲目以现场为准
中国交响乐团合唱团 中国交响乐团合唱团隶属于中国交响乐团。在合唱团创建与发展中,中国交响乐团老一辈音乐家李凌、指挥家严良堃、秋里等都为之作出了重要贡献。 合唱团成立之初即代表国家参加世界青年联欢节合唱比赛获得大奖,为国家赢得荣誉。改革开放以来,合唱团与国际合唱界的交流不断增加,先后出访十多个国家和地区并受到广泛赞誉。2011年受邀出访意大利与世界著名指挥家安东尼奥•帕帕诺合作,在罗马的圣切契利亚音乐厅连续演出三场马勒《第八交响曲》,精湛的艺术水准获得热情赞誉。合唱团还担负着重大国事及外交活动的演出,在中外文化交流中有着突出贡献。 经过长达60余年的艺术实践,合唱团形成了朴实高雅、豪迈细腻的独特风格。能够准确诠释不同时期和风格的合唱作品。其中《黄河大合唱》、贝多芬《第九交响曲》、马勒《第八交响曲》、莫扎特《安魂曲》等已成为保留曲目。合唱团在歌剧领域也卓有成就,参演多部中外著名歌剧,如《木兰》、《托斯卡》、《图兰朵》、《阿依达》、《卡门》等。合唱团常年活跃于基层一线,“深入生活、扎根人民”在丰富人民群众文化生活方面发挥了重要作用。 合唱团现有成员80余人,常任指挥王琳琳。 China National Symphony Orchestra Chorus The China National Symphony Orchestra Chorus (CNSO Chorus) operates under China National Symphony Orchestra. Ling Li, Liangkun Yan and Li Qiu, representatives of the most predominant and respectable generation of the orchestra, have made great contributions to the creation and development of the chorus. At the beginning of its establishment, the chorus had won the grand prize in the chorus competition of the World Festival of Youth and Students, winning glory for our country. Since the reform and opening-up, there are more and more communication between CNSO Chorus and the international chorus community. The chorus has visited and performed in more than 10 countries and regions and has been widely acclaimed. In 2011, the chorus was invited and had the privilege to perform with the world-renowned conductor Antonio Pappano in Rome, Italy. In the Santa Cecilia Hall, they played Mahler’s Symphony No.8 three times in a row and the exquisite artistry of CNSO Chorus was warmly praised. The chorus takes on performances during major national and diplomatic events, playing a key role in Sino-foreign cultural exchanges. With 60 years of artistic practice, the chorus has formed a unique style of simplicity, elegance, heroic and exquisiteness. It can interpret with accuracy choral works from different eras and genres, among which, “Yellow River Cantata (Xinghai Xian)”, “Symphony No.9 in d minor (Beethoven)”, “Symphony No.8 in E-flat Major (Mahler)”, “Requiem in d minor (Mozart)”, “Carmina Burana (Orff)”, etc. have become its reserved repertoire. The chorus has also made its impact in the field of opera and has participated in quite a few famous Chinese and foreign operas such as “Mulan”, “Tosca”, “Aida”, “Carmen”, “Turandot”, etc. All the year round, the chorus is active with people from basic community. Members of the chorus walk and take root in ordinary people’s life, enriching their cultural life to a large extent. There are more than 80 musicians in the chorus. Linlin Wang is the Principal Conductor. 温馨提示 请您观演前携带本人身份证件,否则无法入场; 本场演出身高1.2m以下儿童谢绝入场,身高1.2m以上儿童凭票入场; 由于票品类型特殊性,一旦售出不退不换,敬请谅解; 本演出具体演出时长,以现场为准; |