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第十四届中国国际合唱节 世界青年合唱团专场音乐会 |
时间:2018.06.27 作者:北京音乐厅网站管理员 点击:3886次 |
第十四届中国国际合唱节 “音乐连四海,合唱无疆界(二)” 海伦娜斯图伯格 海伦娜斯图伯格于1990年毕业于教会音乐艺术硕士学位,1993年毕业于皇家音乐学院并取得合唱指挥专业的研究生文凭。她师从古斯塔夫·斯约科斯特教授、埃里克·埃里克森教授和教授凯格·英格布雷森教授学习指挥。 自1990年以来,海伦娜一直在斯德哥尔摩音乐学院担任指挥和音乐教师。1994年,她成为英国皇家理工学院的孔德·特科伦科伦(Kongl Teknologkoren)的指挥家,直到2002年12月,她成为斯德哥尔摩音乐学院室内合唱团的指挥。唱诗班在国外的比赛中赢得了几个在有奖金的国外比赛,经常被邀请参加节日,并受到高度尊重。2011年,她创立了海伦娜斯图伯室内合唱团,并于2016年赢得科克国际合唱比赛。这两个唱诗班通常会在大型音乐会中一起演唱,并与安德烈·波切利(Andrea Bocelli)、埃尼奥·莫里康(Ennio Morricone)、切斯(Chess)和其他乐队一起演唱。 在1996年至2014年期间,海伦娜还在皇家大学音乐学院教授合唱指挥。2014年至2017年期间,她曾是Statens Musikverk艺术委员会的成员。海伦娜经常与瑞典电台唱诗班、埃里克·埃里克森室内合唱团和其他合唱团合作,并在不同的课程中担任指导教师和合唱教师。2017年10月,她被Gehrmans Musikforlag和瑞典合唱指挥家协会任命为合唱团首席指挥。Since 1990 Helene has been working as a conductor and music teacher at the Stockholm's Musikgymnasium. In 1994 she became the conductor of Kongl Teknologkören at the Royal Institute of Technology and held that position until December 2002 when she became the conductor of the Stockholm´s Musikgymnasium Chamber Choir. The choir has won several prices at competitions abroad, is often invited to festivals and is highly respected. In 2011 she started Helene Stureborgs Chamber choir which won the Cork International Choral Competition in 2016. The two choirs are often engaged together in larger concerts and have sung with Andrea Bocelli, Ennio Morricone, Chess in Concert and others. Helene has also been teaching choral conducting at the Royal University College of Music between 1996 and 2014, and between 2014 and 2017 she was a member of the Artistic Council of Statens Musikverk. Helene is frequently engaged to work with the Swedish Radio Choir, Eric Ericson chamber choir and other choirs and also works as conducting teacher and choral pedagogue at varying courses. In October 2017 she was appointed Choir Conductor of the Year by Gehrmans Musikförlag and the Swedish Choral Conductors Association. 乔纳森•维拉斯科 乔纳森·维拉斯科是当今世界著名的合唱指挥家、指导师和评审员。他曾就读于菲律宾音乐学院和德国柏林Kirchenmusikshule音乐学院。他是世界青年合唱团的成员和助理指挥,1996年的夏季学期成为亚洲第一指挥家。 维拉斯科定期在世界各地举办合唱指导和研讨会。他和他的唱诗班一起在马里博尔、科克、马克托博多夫、托洛沙、托雷维贾和里加的合唱比赛中获得了一等奖。他也是欧洲和亚洲著名的合唱比赛的评委之一。目前他担任菲律宾雅典耀室内歌唱家。 维拉斯科是国际合唱音乐联合会的顾问,是世界唱诗班理事会的菲律宾代表。2008年,他被选为首任主席在新成立的菲律宾合唱理事协会。 Jonathan Velasco Jonathan Velasco is a much sought after choral conductor, clinician and adjudicator in the world today. He studied at the University of the Philippines College of Music and at the Berliner Kirchenmusikshule in Germany. He was a member and assistant conductor of the World Youth Choir, and, for the 1996 summer session, became its first Asian conductor. Velasco regularly holds choral clinics and workshops all over the world. Together with his choirs, he has won first prizes in choral competitions in Maribor, Cork, Marktoberdorf, Tolosa, Torrevieja, and Riga. He has also been a member of the jury in prestigious choral competitions in Europe and Asia. He currently conducts the Ateneo Chamber Singers. Velasco is an adviser to the board of the International Federation for Choral Music, and is the Philippine representative to the World Choir Council. In 2008 he was elected the first President of the newly formed Philippine Choral Directors Association. 合唱团简介 世界青年合唱团(WYC)是一个具有卓越教育性和社会经验的超高艺术水平的团队,主要针对来自世界各地年龄在17岁到26岁之间有才华的年轻歌手。在我们主席的帮助下,每年夏天和冬天假期都会组织来自不同国家并具有音乐天赋的年轻人,在选定的地点,由著名指挥家的带领和指导下组成世界青年合唱团并进行巡回演出。 The World Youth Choir (WYC) is a remarkable educational and social experience at the highest artistic level, aimed at talented young singers between the ages of 17 and 26, from all over the world. With the help of our patrons, each year a summer and winter session is organised in different countries that takes the young musical talents that compose the WYC touring in selected locations, under the direction of renowned conductors. 在艺术方面,这是一个特殊的经验对于年轻音乐家们来展示他们的音乐和声乐天赋,通过表演具有挑战性的技能在与世界级指挥家的互动中。对于社会方面,世界青年合唱团有助于培养新一代的“全球公民”通过让具有不同文化背景的年轻音乐家一起生活和巡回演出,从而创造了一个独特的学校是建立在不同文化、民族、音乐和传统之间的。 Artistically, it is a unique experience for young singers to develop their musical and vocal talents by performing challenging repertoires and interacting with world-class conductors. Socially speaking, the World Youth Choir contributes to the raising of new generations of “Global Citizens” by having young musicians of different cultures living and touring together, creating an unique school of understanding between different cultures, people, music and traditions. |